What’s the difference between Breathwork and Meditation?
“Take a deep breath”
A phrase oftentimes used when someone is stressed, agitated or frustrated. A solid advice - as long as you remember to also exhale. Breathwork and meditation are both highly beneficial - yet different.
“Breathwork is like 15 years of therapy in 1 hour”…

Breath work and meditation with kids to reduce stress
To use breath work, creativity, play and mindfulness together with kids is truly magic! This is a super easy technique to relief some stress, frustration and create relaxation instead🎈

4-7-8 Breathing - a breath exercise to calm an inner storm
The 4-7-8 breathing technique is magic to take the edge off, cool down quickly, or before bedtime. It gets you connected to your body, soften a noisy mind, and helps to relax and rebalance the parasympathetic nervous system and promote a state of calm.

Quick Breathing exercise if you feel stressed or anxious
A quick breathing technique if you feel stressed, anxious, need to focus or simply just to land back in your body

Top 8 Breathing Myths with the power to change your life
Breathing is one of those things we don't have to think about- it just comes naturally. As simple as that! Right!? Or… could it be more to it?
Enfolding the myths of Breathing so you can breathe more, better for your life and energy. You´ve already got the foundation right.

Similarities btw Breathwork, plant medicine & psychedelics
Been getting questions about the resemblance in experience when it comes to practicing Breathwork compared to plant medicine or even psychedelics. And well, sure there are similarities, maybe foremost in regards to that you can alter state of consciousness, but there are many differences too.
10 Powerful benefits of a Silent Breathwork & Yoga Retreat
Sometimes the world is noisy. Not only the external noise but also our own inner swirling thoughts. The ones stuck in the past, the ones worrying or wanting to control the future. Then, a silence pause could be welcomed, allowing you to land here, now - in the present. Because to get aware of the little things can make a big difference.

Can Breathwork help Anxiety, PTSD or a controlling mind?
Anxious feeling can indicate that we are stuck in the “what´s next”, or feel helpless or trapped, “I can't handle this”. Trying to plan, control, sometimes even change what has not yet happened. Anxiety is an incomplete fight & flight response in the nervous system. Read why breathwork is a great tool!

Breathwork - so many different styles and techniques
Breathwork is a broad term containing of different styles and techniques. Heritage from Pranayama - control of breath to clear the physical & emotional obstacles to increase the flow of life force & energy. Find your favorite style!

What is Breathwork? And Why should you exercise breathing?
The benefits of deep breathing exercises and diaphragmatic breathing are many! It lowers stress response, regulates the nervous system, improves overall health. This active meditation can be a deep and powerful experience - no matter if you are an experienced mindfulness practitioner or if you have never tried meditation or breath work before. It works every time.

Sleep deprivation and insomnia - and you have tried it all…
Balance your nervous system and welcome a good nights sleep! Sleep is essential for optimal health and well-being. New parents with small kids, overload of work, grief or trauma can affect our sleep. Over time sleep deprivation can cause memory issues, Trouble thinking and concentration, Mood changes, Weakened immunity, High blood pressure, Risk for diabetes, Weight gain, Low sex drive, Poor balance and coordination, Risk of heart disease

17 benefits of Breathwork that improves your well-being
The experience and benefits from Breathwork are massive! Experience an effective and powerful tool to detoxify the body, improve sleep, performance, and creativity. Strengthen intuition and create a state of flow.

Feeling anxious, tired or indecisive or just low on energy?
What does stress do to the body? Negative stress over a longer period of time can leave us with anxiety, insomnia, burn-out and depression. Reiki is an alternative therapy to counteract stress and is recognized by modern medicine and an effective complement to severe long-term illness.
Reiki is backed by science, used with modern medicine. Friskvårdsbidrag is available in Sweden.

Shift energy by breathing in Left vs Right nostril
Do you feel tired and energized the samt time each day? Do you know that the left and right nostril alternates and actually can help us to either create calm, focus and enhance creativity, while the other one can increase physical energy, revitalize the body?

Breath exercises & Breathwork- a trend, medicine & a work-in
Breathwork increases energy, detoxifies the body, boost the immune system, enhance feelings of happiness, wholeness, self-awareness and self-love, and can help heal emotional trauma. Improves digestion and sleep, can lower blood pressure and help reduce physical pain… It’s a true work-in