Boundaries - keeping you locked up or feeling free?

Boundaries… have them, need them, want them, break them…?

A boundary is not necessarily something to keep others away. It might just be a sweet way of checking in with you.To not lose yourself or perhaps cross yourself. A safe space for reflection, allowing you to value who you currently are before becoming whomever you are ready to be. It's a space where you get to ask the question- is this aligned with me? It's a choice 💛

We might have boundaries from our past that need to be mended. We can do that!✨ A boundary, when setting it, is not a simple reject or accept. It has a “why”, or similar, attached. When you know and understand why it exists, it gets you more aware. For you.

Then - you can set new, strong and beneficial boundaries that do not keep you locked in, or others locked out. It allows you to be more free - cause you know what you want, need and why you do so. 💛

Breaking of a boundary can be/look/feel like:

“Ok, I’ll do it” Even though my whole gut is crumbling inside… Maybe they’ll like me more if I say yes...? Maybe I will be missing out if not?

Even though I don't feel comfortable, I say yes. Even though it goes against my own intuition and inner wisdom - I say yes.

Or the opposite… you say “NO!” when you actually wanna say “yes”

Maybe, acting out of a place of making the other person feel uncomfortable or working harder. Making the insecure, sometimes unknowingly so.

Or, maybe, cause I am not worth saying yes.

A boundary is not isolation or sacrifice

Not even necessarily something that keeps others away. It might be a sweet way of checking in with you. To not lose yourself or perhaps cross yourself. A safe space for reflection, allowing you to value who you currently are. Before becoming whomever you are ready to be.

It's a space where you get to ask the question- is this aligned with me? It's a choice.

Heal your past wounds - understand, and to let them go

Broken boundaries by us or others, by words, actions can linger until mended. How?

Well, a boundary, when setting it, does not stop with a yes or no. It’s not a simple reject or accept. It has a why, how, when or what attached to it.

Setting a boundary that you know why it exists. You get aware.

Understanding gives comfortable

When aware - you can set new, strong and beneficial boundaries that do not keep you locked in, or others locked out.

It actually allows you to be more free - cause you know what you want, need and why you do so.

Allow yourself to feel free - your are worth it

So, checking in with your safe space - does your boundaries keep you in control mode, or do they allow you to feel You, feeling free?


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