Breathwork, Yoga, Reiki & Restorative (25th-31st March)
I have been asked to be more clear about the upcoming classes of the week - which really was a rewrite of sweet critique about how bad I am at communicating my sessions and classes 😅
So a bit of info regarding classes 25th- 31st March
Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place.
—Zora Neale Hurston
Libra’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
The classes in the beginnign of the week will, as the weekends, be influenced by the Lunar Eclipse in Libra on Monday 25th. A lunar eclipse can indicate or help us in an intense turning point, transformation or shift, an ending, culmination, or transition. This one is in the sign of Libra, invite us for some extra attention on our close relationships, and enhances the themes of balance and harmony.
The Venus-ruled Libra values connections with others and can usually maintain its calm in the boat while wild stormy sea. And, well the back side is a potential people-pleasing and deprioritizing their own needs. During this full moon lunar eclipse in Libra the light will cast its beams on any unhealthy relationship dynamics that might be time to shift, reconstruct or reset its boundaries.This is the time to let go.
Contemplate about the “I” versus the “We”. “Me” versus the “Us”. It is hard to find the balance with someone else if you do not have the balance and harmony in you.
Libra: Love. Relationship. Balance & harmony. Connection. Art and creation. Elegance & beauty. Air.
Lunar Eclipse: Full moon. Opposites, transition, shifts, reveales. Create new pattern, creative chaos. Openings and closings. Beginnings and endings.
Breathwork Stockholm
Monday 25th March, 16.15-17.15 YogaYama, Breathwork with Kia Agerhem
Join for a transformational Breathwork that will land you in your body or beyond. This is a different technique than the Pranayama you might meet in the yoga studio, and may feel a bit intense during the breathing, and light and calm afterwards. The session will be inspired by the Lunar Eclipse.
Wednesday 27th March, 12.00-13.oo YogaYama, Vinyasa Flow with Kia Agerhem
Lunch class of Vinyasa with Kia. Sweat, movement, breath and laughter. Join in!
Wednesday 27th March, 15.45-17.oo YogaYama, Reiki & Restorative with Kia Agerhem
A very soft and gentle class where we work with restoring and calming the nervous system with the help of Restorative yoga and Reiki Energy Healing. This week the moon is in Scorpio during Wednesday so we will work with shadows and light.
Wednesday 27th March, 18.30-19.45 Moumo, Breathwork with Kia Agerhem
Join for a sweet and intense session of Breathwork. We will lean into the breath, the body and just see where it takes us. Last session prior Easter Break so why not invite someone in - from this world or another.
The Loft Breathwork, Stockholm, with Kia Agerhem
No group sessions at the loft this week. See Event page for upcoming
Online Breathwork, with Kia Agerhem
No group sessions online this week. See Event page for upcoming